Student Services


SMAC is a Catholic school. It is therefore inherent to all who come to this school to observe all the spiritual activities required of its students. Among the spiritual activities are but not limited to:

•  Daily Rosary

•  Morning and Afternoon Prayers

•  Daily Class Mass

•  Class Feast Day

•  First Friday Masses

•  Feast Day Masses

•  Confession

•  First Communion (for Grade 3)

•  Living Rosary

•  Advent Wreath Celebration

•  Ignacian Formation Program (IFP) session (for students and personnel)

•  Recollection (for Grades 4-8 and personnel)

•  Holy Retreat (Grade 12 and personnel)

•  Basic Ecclesial Community (BEC) Session (for students and personnel)

•  Holy Hour (students and personnel)

•  Youth Camp (for Grade 9-11)

•  MIC Recollection

First Communion

Living Rosary

First Friday Mass


The Guidance Program provides the Ignacian Marians with the means necessary to develop and integrate all the skills to respond fully to the demands of their time and community. It is designed to assist individuals with the greatest possible opportunity to become acquainted with their own potentials and possibilities, allowing the students to select the kind of training they wish to pursue. It serves a supportive function in the educational process by planning, directing and facilitating activities to help the students understand, accept, and improve themselves and develop their potentials to the fullest.



1. Individual Inventory Service

This is a continuous and cooperative process of accumulating pertinent data and information about each student in order to create an awareness of his/her total personality. Each student has his/her own cumulative folder where all data are kept and treated with strict confidentiality. Students, teachers, parents and administrators have ready access to the folders if deemed necessary.



Aims to assist students in their personal, educational, and occupational planning through various activities such as group or individual guidance sessions, bulletin displays, symposia, classroom and homeroom guidance, dissemination of information through printed materials, orientations, etc.


3. Counseling

    Counseling is the heart of the guidance program. It is an interaction process wherein students are assisted in gaining insight to solve personal problems in relationships with self, peer, family and significant others. It also helps students face educational and vocational difficulties. Counseling is done through referrals either by the teachers or in some cases, by the parents and administrators, follow-up by the counselor and walk-ins where students voluntarily submit for counseling. This service may be in the form of individual or group counseling.  


4. Alumni Tracking

This service concerns continuous communication to graduates for information and feedback in how the school’s programs could further be improved. Interviews are conducted and questionnaires are given to visiting alumni. They are as well invited to alumni activities


5. Testing

Tests and questionnaires are provided to all students to determine behavioral samples like intellectual capabilities and personality styles that will aid them in identifying their abilities in certain subject areas and help recognize their field of interest.


6. Research and Evaluation

This service includes test results interpretation, correlation studies, surveys and evaluations. Curriculum and guidance program improvement can best be met through the use of data gathered from this service.


7. Vocational/Career Guidance

This service aims to guide students to arrive at a realistic decision concerning career choice to one’s personality, academic abilities, interest and needs.  Separate guidance activities are given to give students the opportunity to explore their needs and abilities. An educational tour, career symposium and career counseling are provided to the graduating class to further assist them in their future choice of career.


8. Admission

This includes the screening of student and teacher applicants:

a.   Administers and checks entrance examinations

b.   Facilitates Reading Test

c.   Conducts interview and gives feedback

d.   Administers and checks Personality and IQ Tests for teachers


9. Homeroom Guidance Program

The Guidance Center provides activities for this once-a-week school period wherein students experience the informal-permissive atmosphere and is a place for training students on interpersonal relationship, self-awareness, self-direction, and responsibility.


10. Remedial and Enrichment Program

Remedial Program responds to the learning deficiencies of some students especially in English, Math and Science. It seeks to   increase student’s capabilities by teaching more efficient ways or performing academic tasks and by providing more opportunities   for learning. Enrichment Program provides activities and experience to the talented and gifted students for the optimum   development of their capabilities and potentials.


The Library is equipped with print, non-print and other materials to develop love for reading and research. It is open for students’ use:

7:30 a.m. - 4:40 p.m.: Monday to Friday; no noon breaks

7:30 a.m. -12:00 noon: Saturday

The Audio-Visual Room is equipped with overhead projectors, multi- media, television set, CD/DVD and karaoke units which are

being used for students activities like presentations, film showing and lectures.


The school has a complete set of laboratories namely: Computer, Science, T.L.E., Speech and Robotics. These laboratories are

provided to students to give them opportunities for hands-on activities, simulation and practicum. 

Science Laboratory

Robotics Laboratory

T.L.E. Laboratory

Computer Laboratory


The clinic has a complete set of medical personnel: a pediatrician, a dentist and a nurse. The clinic is a place to rest for those who

are really sick. The clinic also takes care of all minor physical ailments of the students. It also provides an annual medical and dental

services. It also provides certain topics to enrich instruction as requested by the teachers. 

Hours of Services:

Nurse – Monday to Friday – 7:10 a.m. to 4:40 p.m.

Physician – MWF – 8:00 a.m. to 9:45 a.m.

Dentist – TTH – 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.


The canteen serves healthy food for students. Meals, snacks, cold drinks and hot beverages are available. Other than food, school supplies like notebooks, paper, and other materials are available. Faucets and lavatories inside the canteen are also provided for students.


Rest rooms and lavatories are found in every building for students to use in their personal necessities. These have sufficient amount of running water and are always kept clean by the maintenance in-charge.